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Группы : Дискографии


Pagan Reign: "Once Again" – 2018

энциклопедия: Pagan Reign

Состав группы:

  • Orey – вокал, гитара
  • Vetrodar – гитара, акустическая гитара, бас, клавишные
  • Dimosthen – ударные и перкуссия

Pagan Reign: "Once Again" – 2018


  1. Stairway From Golden Svarga
  2. Return Of Slavonian Gods
  3. Once Again
  4. On Fiery Simargl's Wings
  5. Reborn
  6. The Will To Freedom
  7. Господство Язычества
  8. Light Of Iriy
  9. Рассвет
  10. Where The Sun Rises
  11. To The End Of Svarog's Night
  12. Behind The Sunlight (The Universe Path)


1. Stairway From Golden Svarga


2. Return Of Slavonian Gods

Silence, darkness, northern runes
Shining, glowing in the empty space
Gods are rising, time begins
Power coming to the end of time

Glance to the abyss and keeping your mind
Darkness and depth are moving and fighting
In the beginning of new pagan era
Two different worlds will collide

Now we look to the sky
Our path so shine
Come, begin and try
Your new world alive

Open your heart and take your soul
You own tradition coming it all
Remove every fear and open the stars
How universe is looking to us

So I stop and play
Play my music for eternity

Stay on the cliff and hope you may fly
Believe your life not ending this time
Rise your art
...Together again and again

And now Gods stand behind us
For our future what will shine like a sun
For our land, tribes and Gods
...Return of Slavonian Gods!

3. Once Again

When you way's ending and world around collapsed
You stuck between life and death
No way to come back, one way to be alive
Get up from your knees and arise Once Again

Now I'm through my destiny, hear my music Once again
Together we're dropping our routine Once again
We create soulfully our new world Once again
Coming through our history to the future Once again

4. On Fiery Simargl's Wings

You're born in the dark by sparkling blast
Magical racing through the time
Across the stars, across the radiance
Behind the wings of firebird

From the depths of the past centuries
From the abyss of universe space
Flies on the call to their chidren
God of the Fire – Simargl

Rays of the stars in his eyes
Under the wings of firestorm
Hurries to the border of his dominions
The strike will be rapid and sharp

Mighty celestial army
We called ancestors to fight
To burn the bog of vice and
Return the reign of light

You fly away further and further
And behind you the stars are lit
Infinite space in a riot of fire
A beautiful world was born in flame

Everything moves in a circle
Formidable bird shining inside
Simargl rules the galaxy
Power of fire keeps the universe

5. Reborn

Frozen in the rare time
My own culture stays alive
Feeling what I may feel
Come again and I'm revived

Pagan is beating in my heart
We can live and fight again
In future what we may create
We must see Pagan Reign
Once Again

6. The Will To Freedom

At the root of the white mount
On the border of universe worlds
By the hammer of fiery will
We have forged steel threads of fate

Two cosmic giants collided
Binary star system was formed
Bright light wave overwhelmed
Remorselessly breaking the drag

The first screw-bolt has already fired
It flies right the bull – eyes
Stabbed the walls of oblivion and decay
That were erected by grayness
of tawdry ideas

Arrow pierces through the fine line of being
And now all shall be unmasked
Like Perun's celestial fire
Reveals the blame games of Cattle God

Behind the sunlight beyond a white river
Is our stellar cradle
The сold of outer space
Enters your veins by thefreezing dark
Leave your fears behind
Myriad worlds look at you
Open your mind
For the eternal wisdom of universe

We have earned our freedom
By immortal will to win
Dazzling white avalanche is ready
To descend from the universe height

Behind us ancestral domain,
Onward – the glittering stars
We have a long way to go
Old spirit shots up to the sky

7. Господство Язычества

Вот стоят отважны воины
Сыновья своей Земли
И угрюмо смотрят в небо
Жаль не видим Сварги мы

Мы сыны отважной Леды
И Перун – он наш отец
Но ненастье над Землёю
Пронесло христианский крест

Всё мы видим Мать-Земля
Твои слёзы над полями
Позабыли твои дети
Про тебя, про Ирий дом

И живут не вспоминая
Про Отцов своих далёких
Про Героев своих славных
Про Богов своих исконных

With frost we come
Northern pride of endless wasteland
Ancient custom's near
And we see our heroes

Reign of dark ages
Gone forever and we can't
Live with freedom
As it was in those days

Northern Gods are always near
Look from frozen heaven
Open heart and hit with a hammer
Pagan Reign is here

Но не может это длиться
Боги наши всё же живы
И они добавят силы
Сыновьям своим отважным

Пронесётся над землёй
Коловрат рукой могучей
И поднимет Старо-Племя
Всё расставив по местам

8. Light Of Iriy


9. Рассвет

Русские Земли спят во тьме
Капли росы лежат на траве
Тихо, красиво в тёмном лесу
Наш повелитель хранит красоту

Только Ярило дарует рассвет
Солнышко наше – красивее нет
Всё оживает в тёмном лесу
Так сохраним же ту красоту

Русь так велика и многогласа
И наши предки любили тебя
Так что и мы поклонимся тебе
Той величавой твоей красоте

Солнце с утра осветило поля
И жизнь пошла своим чередом
Славяне живут и славят тебя
О Солнце Великое Божество

Мы любим лес, мы любим свет
И Русь Великую свою
Могуч и силен тот народ
Что жизнь свою здесь проведёт

10. Where The Sun Rises


11. To The End Of Svarog's Night

Time like a flow
Only one way to go
Light and dark in us
Our essence confusion

Endless sleep as I stand
Can't survive, just follow
The stars are blind
Keep going to the end of Svarog's night

We live and die without hope
But believe in epoch of truth
In this glorious kingdom of honor
Our hearts will beam again

12. Behind The Sunlight (The Universe Path)


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